Het is de manier om samen op te laden en te ontspannen door de klank en helende trilling van OHM, waardoor er balans in jezelf ontstaat. Wat er ook om je heen – of in je – gebeurt. Waar je ook bent, wat je ook doet.
It is the way to recharge and to relax by the sound and healing vibrations of OHM. This leads to a sense of balance within. No matter what happens within – and around you. Wherever you are, whatever you do.
Werking en effecten
Dit is voor iedereen anders. Ontwikkel het zelfbewustzijn zodat je opmerkt wat Sound of OHM precies bij jou doet. Wij zijn energieker. Vrolijker. Daadkrachtiger. Levendiger. Afgestemd op eenheidsbewustzijn blijkt het makkelijker datgene wat je wenst of wilt in de wereld te zetten. Rustiger. In actie kunnen we ook stil zijn. Opener. Je bent meer in het nu.
*Benefits of the Ohm Mantra in a row*
★ Chanting of Ohm Mantra purifies the environment around the Chanter and produces positive vibrations.
★ The Ohm not only gives positive results to the one who is chanting it but to the entire vicinity wherever its vibrations flow.
★ It cleanses your AURA.
★ It takes you to alpha, a meditational state which gives you deep relaxation.
★ Your concentration increases when you chant this universal hymn._
★ The ॐ chanting removes toxin from your body. It gives you better immunity and self-healing power.
★ It improves your concentration and helps you focus on your target.
★ The ॐ chanting improves your VOICE and gives a strength to vocal cord and muscles during old age.
★ The ॐ chanting produces a vibration and sound which is felt in your vocal cord and sinus. It opens pore which in turn helps in removal of sinus problems gradually and if done in complete faith.
★ Ohm Mantra has a cardiovascular benefit too which keeps blood pressure normal.
★ It helps in keeping your emotions controlled and thus by putting a control over emotions and leads you to excel in life._
★ It is just like any other supplement that will help in the overall development of your body and mind positively without any side effects.
★ It regular chanting helps in taking you to a spiritual journey and which will only result if it is done daily for a longer period of time.
★ When Ohm Mantra chanted in group produces immense positive vibrations which charge up the entire vicinity.
★ Even the attendants feel fully charged up even though a person is completely tired.
★ Some people also claims to lose weight through ॐ chanting As it puts your entire body in work and its vibrations affects you positively hence enhancing your metabolism which leads to weight loss.
★ Ohm cleanses your skin and gives a sunny glow on your face when you chant OM regularly.
★ When you tend to chant it regularly you start feeling stronger.
★ Spinal cord efficiency is also increased by vibrations caused by sound of Aaaa. As this sound is generated from abdomen and mainly supported by spinal cord.
★ The sound uuu is created by vocal cord which affects thyroid glands and throat.
★ Even a picture of Ohm purifies the environment around.
★ It is said that rubbing hands while ॐ chanting and putting those charged hands on different parts of body heals or activates those body parts.
★ If those rubbed hands are put on your eyes your eye sight will start improving.
★ And if rubbed on your face, it can give you a great personality.
★ It is proved that chanting this Mantra improvises quality of water. So before drinking if Ohm is chanted it puts water crystal in most beautiful sequence, which effects the body beautifully.
*So....make it a point to chant Ohm Mantra..regularly - you can also visit our live sessions or go to our OHM room.*
With great thanks to Chandra Shekhar Reddi
Benefits and Effects
They vary per person. Develop self awareness and feel the effects of Sound of OHM within you. We are more energetic. We are more joyous, vibrant, and persistent. Connected to the collective consciousness it seems to be easier to manifest your desires into this world. Calm. Silent while being active. Open. More present in the here and now.
*Benefits of the Ohm Mantra in a row*
★ Chanting of Ohm Mantra purifies the environment around the Chanter and produces positive vibrations.
★ The Ohm not only gives positive results to the one who is chanting it but to the entire vicinity wherever its vibrations flow.
★ It cleanses your AURA.
★ It takes you to alpha, a meditational state which gives you deep relaxation.
★ Your concentration increases when you chant this universal hymn._
★ The ॐ chanting removes toxin from your body. It gives you better immunity and self-healing power.
★ It improves your concentration and helps you focus on your target.
★ The ॐ chanting improves your VOICE and gives a strength to vocal cord and muscles during old age.
★ The ॐ chanting produces a vibration and sound which is felt in your vocal cord and sinus. It opens pore which in turn helps in removal of sinus problems gradually and if done in complete faith.
★ Ohm Mantra has a cardiovascular benefit too which keeps blood pressure normal.
★ It helps in keeping your emotions controlled and thus by putting a control over emotions and leads you to excel in life._
★ It is just like any other supplement that will help in the overall development of your body and mind positively without any side effects.
★ It regular chanting helps in taking you to a spiritual journey and which will only result if it is done daily for a longer period of time.
★ When Ohm Mantra chanted in group produces immense positive vibrations which charge up the entire vicinity.
★ Even the attendants feel fully charged up even though a person is completely tired.
★ Some people also claims to lose weight through ॐ chanting As it puts your entire body in work and its vibrations affects you positively hence enhancing your metabolism which leads to weight loss.
★ Ohm cleanses your skin and gives a sunny glow on your face when you chant Ohm regularly.
★ When you tend to chant it regularly you start feeling stronger.
★ Spinal cord efficiency is also increased by vibrations caused by sound of Aaaa. As this sound is generated from abdomen and mainly supported by spinal cord.
★ The sound uuu is created by vocal cord which affects thyroid glands and throat.
★ Even a picture of Ohm purifies the environment around.
★ It is said that rubbing hands while ॐ chanting and putting those charged hands on different parts of body heals or activates those body parts.
★ If those rubbed hands are put on your eyes your eye sight will start improving.
★ And if rubbed on your face, it can give you a great personality.
★ It is proved that chanting this Mantra improvises quality of water. So before drinking if Ohm is chanted it puts water crystal in most beautiful sequence, which effects the body beautifully.
*So....make it a point to chant Ohm Mantra..regularly - you can also visit our live sessions or go to our Ohm room.*
With thanks to Chandra Shekhar Reddi
Welkom in de OHM Sanctuary. De plaats waar je, wanneer je maar wilt kunt opladen en ontspannen. Baad jezelf in de helende vibratie van de Sound of OHM.
Welcome to the OHM Sanctuary. The place to recharge and relax. Bathe yourself in the healing vibration of the Sound of OHM.
Sound of OHM is ontwikkeld door Muriël Dalmulder en Fidessa Docters van Leeuwen. Met de intentie om een wereldwijde community te creëren waarin jij als mens met je spanning en ontspanning centraal staat, hebben Fidessa en Muriël deze ‘down to earth healing’ ontwikkeld. Met allebei meer dan 25 jaar kennis en ervaring met diverse vormen van oosterse- en westerse therapie zoals healing, yoga, meditatie, neuroscience en NLP verlichten ze de wereld met persoonlijke - en (e-)coaching, teamtrainingen en boeken over zelf-bewust-zijnSound of OHM is de manier van ontspannen die zijzelf enthousiast beoefenen en graag met de wereld willen delen.
Sound of OHM is developed by Muriël Dalmulder and Fidessa Docters van Leeuwen. They created this ‘down to earth healing’ with the intention to create a worldwide community where every human being, with its tension and relaxation, really matters. With their more than 25 years of experience in different styles of estern- and western therapy like healing, yoga, meditation, neuroscience and NLP, they bring light into the world through personal- and e-coaching, trainings, books and workshops, all about self-awareness. Sound of OHM is their way to recharge and relax. An ancient technology, which they practice with lots of enthusiasm and now want to share with the world.
Elke maandag kun je om 9.30 uur al in 7 minuten ontspannen met de klank van OHM in de OHM Sanctuary. Waar je ook bent, wat je ook doet. Je hoeft alleen maar naar www.soundofohm.com te gaan en die OHM aan te klikken die je fijn vindt. En je wordt gelijk getrakteerd op een diep gevoel van ontspanning. Het mooie is dat met jou, anderen ook tegelijkertijd baden in OHM To Go. Samen OHM’en is net als samen mediteren (real life of virtueel). We tillen elkaar op. En het is nog makkelijker om innerlijke vrede te ervaren en de rest van de dag deze te bewaren.
OHM is de oeroude mantra in het Sanskriet. Je kunt ernaar luisteren of het zelf uitspreken; ze zorgt ervoor dat jij, onbewust, spanningen zal loslaten in je lichaam. De hersenen kunnen even stil zijn en opladen.
Voorafgaand aan OHM To Go houden we een Q en A per mail. Heb je prangende vragen bijvoorbeeld over de werking van OHM of de frequentie van het baden in OHM, of misschien wil je weten hoe OHM in een specifieke situatie jou kan helpen. Stuur dan een bericht met in de onderwerpregel je vraag vanaf onze website www.soundofohm.com. We zullen je binnen 24 uur een antwoord sturen.
Every Monday at 9.30 o'clock you can relax in 7 minutes with the sound of OHM in the OHM Sanctuary. Wherever you are, whatever you do. Just go to www.soundofohm.com and click on the OHM you like. You’ll immediately be treated with a deep sense of relaxation. The beauty is, that you will bathe in OHM To go with others. To OHM together, is like meditating together (real life or virtual). We lift each other up. And it's even easier to experience inner peace and keep it with you for the rest of the day.
OHM is the ancient mantra in Sanskrit. You can listen to it or chant it; she makes sure that you, unconsciously, will release tension in your body. The brain will be silent and recharged.
Prior to OHM To Go we hold a Q and A by mail. Do you have burning questions, for example about the benefits of OHM or the frequency of bathing in OHM, or maybe you want to know how OHM can help you in a specific situation. Please send a message with the subject line of your question from our website www.soundofohm.com. We will send you a reply within 24 hours.
Wil je meedoen met een van onze OHM sessies of wil je info
If you want to join our OHM sessions or just want to send us a note
Email: hello[at]soundofohm.com